Last update on 01.09.2016
Hunteed is committed to inviting recruitment consultants working on the website to respect a code of ethics; in return, companies undertake to meet candidates within a reasonable time, and to keep Consultants informed via their dashboard of the decisions taken with regard to the candidates. This code aims to define the behaviour to be adopted by a responsible recruitment consultant. Each recruitment consultant must agree to adhere to the code in order to be able to register on the Hunteed platform.
The recruitment consultant undertakes to respect the 18 points set out out in the Syntec Recruitment code of ethics
Article L122-45 of the French Labour Code
"No person may be excluded from a recruitment procedure or from access to an internship or a period of training in a company, and no employee may be penalised, dismissed or be subjected to direct or indirect discriminatory action, particularly with regard to compensation, training, reclassification, assignment, qualification, classification, professional advancement, transfer or contract renewal, due to their origin, gender, morals, sexual orientation, age, family status, genetic characteristics, membership or non-membership, true or supposed, of an ethnic group, nation or race, their political opinions, their trade union or mutual activities, their religious beliefs, their physical appearance, their surname or their state of health or disability. ..."
Article L121-6 of the French Labour Code
"The information requested, in any form whatsoever, from the candidate for a job or an employee can only have the purpose of assessing said candidate or employee's capacity to do the job proposed or their professional skills.
This information must have a direct and necessary link with the job being advertised or with the assessment of professional skills. The candidate for the job or the employee is required to answer in good faith."
The recruitment consultant undertakes to verify the veracity of the elements indicated in the candidate's CV (past experiences, training, skills), as well as the candidate's availability and their wish to apply for the post advertised.
Reference checks are part of the process of recruiting candidates. Nevertheless, they should only be done with the prior agreement of the candidate and with a list of persons that the candidate themself has provided to the consultant. The reference check must only concern elements relating to the candidate's skills and behaviour in the context of their professional activities.
Hunteed is willing to advise each employer on the level of salary for the position advertised. Consultants are also encouraged to warn employers when the proposed level of salary is below the prevailing market level. It is important that each party involved in the recruitment process remains vigilant as to the nature of the skills sought by the company and the compensation offered. If the consultant, based on their experience, notices a significant difference, it is their duty to inform the company and provide them with informed advice.
Recruitment consultants undertake not to recruit in companies in which they have placed candidates via Hunteed, for a reasonable period of 12 months. Consultants agree to disclose the names of the companies for which they have successfully completed recruitments over the past 12 months, for greater transparency.
In the performance of their duties, and in particular through meetings with many candidates, recruitment consultants have access to a large amount of confidential information about companies, their recruitment and, more generally, their major development strategies. Consultants must be guided by irreproachable ethics and professional conduct and undertake to show absolute respect for confidentiality. Confidentiality is paramount. It applies both to candidates who may wish to remain discreet in their job search, as well as to companies who may not wish to make their search known to everyone. When the company chooses to publish its recruitment project on Hunteed without indicating their brand, the consultant undertakes not to disclose the company's name to candidates without first informing the company, or asking for its permission.
40 rue du Louvre
75001 Paris
Signature-Quartier des Banques
Place de la synagogue 5,
1204 Genève
9 Rue du Laboratoire,
1911 Luxembourg
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