Anas D.
Recruitment consultant
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active recruiting firms
corporate clients
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Hunteed works with companies of all sizes and in all industries
Anas D.
Recruitment consultant
Tushita T.
Recruitment consultant
Sophie R.
Human Resources consultant
Mokrane A.
Recruitment consultant
Mindy B.
Talent Acquisition Specialist
Anas D.
Recruitment consultant
Tushita T.
Recruitment consultant
Sophie R.
Human Resources consultant
Mokrane A.
Recruitment consultant
Mindy B.
Talent Acquisition Specialist
3 options are available to you: Click on "Publish a Job", in the navigation bar and let us guide you through our form, which will transform your Job into a real "Job Brief" for the consultants.
Fill out the contact form and we will contact you so that you can formulate your needs with one of our experts, who will be in charge of assisting you in writing your assignment brief. Send an email directly, containing your job ad (URL or PDF/Word document) indicating the proposed gross annual salary for the position. One of our experts will come back to you with a complete "Job Brief" proposal.
With your agreement, it will be automatically posted and sent to the Hunteed Recruitment Community. You will receive an invitation to access your job ad and the Hunteed services. Your registration will be deemed as an express agreement to the General Terms of Use.
Once published on Hunteed, your jobs ads are accessible to our network of professional hiring consultants. They can access every job ad on the platform, and can filter the list (location, job type, industry...) to find ads to which they can send applications.
In the same time, Hunteed use several algorithms to identify for each ad which are the best recruitment firms to meet your needs thanks to their expertises, skills, applicants...
All these ads will be promoted to the right professional recruiters using specific medium (newsletter, notifications...) to warn them about these opportunities.
The Hunteed Consultants community consists of professional recruiters (headhunters, recruitment officers, research managers, recruitment consultants, whether grouped together in a company or not) as well as occasional recruiters (your network, an expert executive with a wide network, etc.).
By registering, they adhere to the Hunteed Code of Ethics and undertake to respect the Code of Conduct for the recruitment profession. They have the opportunity to introduce themselves and the name of the Consultant appears on each referral form.
Hunteed has the option of withdrawing access for any consultant who does not respect the Website's rules on quality and good behaviour.
Nothing could be simpler: all you have to do is register, subscribe to the code of ethics (automatic upon registration), refer your first candidate and have them approved by Hunteed to be presented to the client company! You will have taken the first step to becoming a certified Hunteed Consultant.
The consultant fee displayed on each job brief on the website corresponds to the amount you may receive before tax if one of your candidates is recruited. Hunteed will invoice the firm, send you an invoice request and then pay you the consultant fee.
Each applicant submitted on Hunteed will always be processed first by our teams to ensure its profile meets the client need, and your report contains all necessary information.
To do so, Hunteed uses artificial inteligence to assess whether the applicant matches the customer's expectations based on the job ad information, your report and the applicant's CV.
In addition to these controls, AI helps you find the right mission to submit your applicants and get better chances of recruitments.
40 rue du Louvre
75001 Paris
Signature-Quartier des Banques
Place de la synagogue 5,
1204 Genève
9 Rue du Laboratoire,
1911 Luxembourg
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